Principal's Report
Dear Parents / Guardians
It has been a very enjoyable term at Sheffield School and it is hard to believe the end of term 1 is already here! Students have been focused on their learning and participated with enthusiasm in all the extra-curricular activities and opportunities available to them. Thank you to everyone involved with our school and community who continue to support and encourage our learners.
Progress reports were sent home with students last week. These reports are designed to give you an overview of how your child has settled into their learning this year and it is hoped this will promote discussion at home to support their achievement and success. As always, if you have any concerns please contact your child's teacher through the school office.
Year 10 Student Representative Council (SRC)
Early this week, Miss Stolp and I had the pleasure of working with our year 10 SRC to explore leadership, identify some leadership role models, and highlight the personal attributes of our SRC emerging leaders. Throughout the school year this group will be mentored and provided with opportunities to develop their leadership skills through training and leading their own initiatives within our school community. It was motivating to hear them discuss their ideas for activities and events to promote positive relationships, to increase peer connection and school belonging. I feel confident this team of young leaders will have a positive impact on our school.
Student Achievement
Sheffield students continue to excel with three of our high school students heading interstate during the school holidays.
Jack is a talented young AFL footballer and he has been rewarded for his hard work and dedication to training over the off season with selection in the Tasmanian Devils under 16 team. During the school holidays Jack will be travelling to Sydney to play a practice game for the Tassie Devils against the Sydney Swans Academy. All the best Jack!
Congratulations to Hollie who will be representing Tasmania in the under 16 girls AFL Team during the school holidays. This Friday, Hollie will travel to Blacktown NSW for the National Carnival where Tassie will compete against the GWS Giants Academy and the Sydney Swans Academy. All the best Hollie, we are right behind you and look forward to hearing about your experience.
Hudson will be competing at the National Surf Carnival during the school holidays, representing the Devonport Surf Club. Hudson will travel to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland to compete in the beach sprints, beach flags and the 2km beach run. Hudson has been in terrific form, achieving some excellent results in Tassie this summer and we wish him much success at the National Carnival.
Green Team
We would like to introduce you to our Green Team for 2024, Myesha, Amarliah, Holley, Hailey, and Piper. The Green Team are responsible for collecting food scraps after lunch to distribute between our compost and chickens on our Sheffield Campus, as well as other animals at our school farm. They are also responsible for taking care of our 6 feathered friends, ensuring that their eggs are collected, and they have enough feed and water. The Green Team are excited to help organise our popular veggie and flower stalls in the months ahead.
School Bus Service
Kinetic have recently taken over the Claude Road School Bus Service. I would like to acknowledge the 40 years of service provided by the Kelly family from Claude Road. A number of drivers have contributed over the years including Sam Kelly who has had continuous involvement for 37 years! Thank you Sam, Kathy and your family for your contribution to our school community for such a long period.
Primary, Secondary and Railton Campus assemblies were held in week 8. These gatherings enable us to celebrate student achievement and provide students with an opportunity to share their learning and extra-curricular activities with each other and families. Each assembly was well attended by parents and we value your attendance. For many parents, we understand that work commitments make attending very difficult. From next term we are making a change to assemblies. We will hold two Kinder to Year 12 Assemblies per term to come together as a whole school and we are hopeful more parents will be able to attend and celebrate with us (Railton Campus Assemblies will continue, major assemblies will be combined). Assembly dates will be published early next term.
Jamie Skirving